A Hushed Whisper · 18d

occasionally i think of what animals diluc and kaeya would have as pets (other than diluc being a bird lover of course) and i remember dilucs pet turtle... who do you think has dilucs turtle now? they live so long, perhaps adelinde doted on the turtle while diluc was on his little adventure. id like to think they threw the turtle birthday parties, and kaeya continued them on while diluc was gone... 🐢🐢🐢

I think Diluc may still have the tortoise just maybe not inside? It is probably in the garden, depending what kind it is. If it was a desert tortoise, it was probably returned to Sumeru to live out its happy tortoise days somewhere safe. Kaeya, however, I always pictured adopting something weird and unwanted- in one of my little side fics he mistakenly adopts a skunk and named her Chardonnay.

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