Chosen Vessel · 12mo

A cultist believes John's sinking too much time and energy into Father Garcia and Lisa's "rehabilitation", and tries to take care of the problem. Gary catches them and puts an end to their miserable existence not just to punish their treason, but because if the prisoners die it WILL be the end of the world, because John will raze everything to the ground. He loves them so much~

Of course.
Overall, Gary thought that John's love for them was foolish, but he understood that he still has his human heart. At first, he thought his love was weakness. That he allowed the two of them to get too close, and manipulate him. But over time, he saw the truth. The love made him dangerous.
John would tell them that he'd do anything for them. That he'd give them the world, that he'd tear down the stars for them. And he means it. He has the power to do it.

Gary knows that, upon catching someone who means to hurt the prisoners, whatever he does to them is a mercy. If John ever caught them, things would be so much worse. They would be made an example of, slowly and painfully. Anyone who so much as tries to touch them without his permission risks falling victim to his wrath.

Sending the world to ruin and claiming the souls of the damned might be one thing, but if he loses the last, true objects of his affection, then /everything/ is lost. Nothing survives, not even their souls.

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