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Chosen Vessel · 1y

John slowly starts developing the same weakness to bright light that higher level beings in the order have. He tries to power though without squinting too much, but eventually it progresses so that he needs some form of eye protection outdoors. He refuses to wear Gary shades tho, so he wears a cappello romano to pair with his cassock. Lisa totally snickers when she sees it.

Chosen Vessel · 1y

Alright how often does John lose his cool and pins a hapless thrall to the wall like an insect?

Chosen Vessel · 11mo

A cultist believes John's sinking too much time and energy into Father Garcia and Lisa's "rehabilitation", and tries to take care of the problem. Gary catches them and puts an end to their miserable existence not just to punish their treason, but because if the prisoners die it WILL be the end of the world, because John will raze everything to the ground. He loves them so much~

Chosen Vessel · 1y
Chosen Vessel · 1y

John being bratty and hoping to be punished is all fun and games until Garcia pulls out the ruler

Chosen Vessel · 1y

What did John do with his wedding ring? Keep it, hidden away? Sell it, or throw it away somewhere?

I think he's kept it. Not somewhere out in the open, as I doubt he could bear to look at it, but hidden away. I don't think he'd get rid of it. Going by his letter, he did love Molly (or at least he thought he did), but whether that continued after she left is hard to say. At the very least, there has to be some bitterness. But, I don't think he can let go completely, so I think it's maybe stored in a box somewhere.

Chosen Vessel · 1y

This is like saturday morning cartoon silly but if Gary ever tried to impersonate John I'd imagine it be something like this

Either that, or it's Cultist!John trying to deliver his first sermon after the ritual.

Chosen Vessel · 1y

What cultist John normally do when he's horny. I'd theorize that some desperate cult member would do anything to please their leader but that could be a stretch?

Well see, the thing is, he's now hosting an entity which very much desires to be worshipped. This, matched with John's need to be loved, along with his repressed sexuality and newly lowered inhibitions leads to many opportunities for indulgence.
He may usually default to Gary, if only because he sees him as /almost/ equal, but might also just pick someone from among the cultists who takes his fancy at the time.
Though, if he's feeling particularly insatiable, he likes cult orgies as an option, and often likes to make them compete to see who can leave him most satisfied by the end. And yes, the followers are only too eager to please.

Chosen Vessel · 1y

If Lisa's an artist does she drag John and Garcia with her to museums and exhibitions?

They don't mind exhibits with classical stuff, like the old famous religious paintings, or the other "old masters", but they really don't get modern art or interpretive stuff. Lisa will take them to one of those 'colour swatch' style canvases and ask what they think, and they just stare blankly for several minutes.
(John does quite like surrealism though. He doesn't 'get' it, but he thinks it looks cool.)

Chosen Vessel · 1y

I'd like to wish the fine folks at FAITH: The Unholy Trinity a happy Mother's Day, but.. umm... yeah

I mean... Maybe Gary had a good relationship with his "mom" but uhh, everyone else, maybe not so much.

Chosen Vessel · 1y

I've been watching a few videos on cults, and does Gary ever test the thralls loyalty? Both in the hazing way and in the 'if you fail you lose hand privileges' way?

Oh yes. Simple little things at first. Initiation type stuff, harmless yet humiliating pranks, eating unpalatable things, perhaps going around nude to show that they're open with nothing to hide, no shame. Then things might become a little more forceful. Stakes are higher, costs more painful. But it's all to prove their devotion, so they're only happy to risk it all for him. Gary loves them, after all.

Chosen Vessel · 1y

If John and Garcia are going to the Vatican on business, does Lisa fuck around playing tourist or stay nearby?

A little bit of both. They make sure to spend some time together to enjoy the trip at least, but when they're off doing church business, she'll just get up to her own shenanigans doing things she probably wouldn't if they were around.

Chosen Vessel · 1y

I saw that cultist John keeps both Lisa and father Garcia alive instead of possessed and uses them as his personal toys but I gotta what exactly does he do to them

We'll, it depends, I guess. Having them not be possessed means he gets to play with their emotions and make them feel like there's some possibility of hope. And it's partially because The Unspeakable wants to crush that hope, and partly because the real John truly doesn't want them to give up on him.

Chosen Vessel · 1y

Let's have something nice and simple for once.
What are the FAITH gangs' hobbies?

Chosen Vessel · 1y

If John and Lisa see each other as sibs, do they feel the call of the dreaded 'Cain instinct'?

I don't think they truly see each other that way, just strongly bonded childhood friends. But, perhaps whatever happened to them, which bound their fates together, especially with a demonic essence, probably occasionally brings out a similar instinct.

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