Anon · 2mo

How did you come up with your mallelili twin? Were you always going to make them have twins or did that change? How did you come up with the names?

It started as an idea to play around with with a friend that grew over time. Just loved the idea of them having twins from the start and decided to keep it that way after being reminded there were twins in the original Sleeping Beauty story. Since then it's something that been building more and more over time that I hope to do more with one day instead of small stuff here and there.
As for the names, I struggled for so long and then one day woke up in the middle of the night to write down "one of them needs to be named Malleanna" and fell back asleep. After that it was just researching types of Lily's since I wanted the other twin to be named after Lilia as well and finally settled on "Sierra".

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