Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

tobbies · 9d

oh the way my little glee heart tickled when i saw ur au. BLAINE AND SAM NEEDED MORE SONGS TOGETHER OTHER THAN HEROES AND BEST DAY OF MY LIFE... they both had such a good plotline together. season 4 was so good for them until the whole ch**g and k***y plotline... but u get me... U Get Me

eeeee I LOVE BLAM DUETS SOOO BAD 😭😭😭 WAKE ME UP BEFORE YOU GOGO IS EVEEERRYTTHINNGG TO ME!! i do wish we got more :/ 6 was NOT enough. their storyline together was GOOD IDC, they helped each other out SO MUCH. the build up of s4 blam just for it to end platonically kills me everytime... like hear me out, when klaine broke up again, instead of blaine dating fuckass karofsky (which didnt even make sense for his character idc), he shouldve been dating sam :]

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