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tobbies Β· 8d

im still the blam duet / samcedes anon,

i dont hate u for speaking THE TRUTH!!!!! i love talking abt glee, i feel like sam's tragic character is mostly bc he's given such sad cards that go unresolved (stripping to earn money [as a MINOR], getting SAed, losing his best friend, his body dysmorphia)... the only resolved plotline being blaine SUPPORTING AND UPLIFTING SAM with his self-view. god. ur so right abt the potential of the klaine breakup. u opened my eyes...

i also wanna share, while this is a safe space, how passionately mad i am that they made a Joint Wedding for klaine and brittana. like ignoring toxic klaine, WHY DID THEY BOTH HAVE TO SHARE THE CEREMONY... smh... where's tael when i need him, i think he'd like my dms about this

HEYYYY MONARCH 😍 i love talking about glee too eheh :D

oh yes they really fucked sam over in the life department 😭😭 i mean the fact he lost his home just in s2 and then we didnt even know what happened to him when s3 started... glee glazed over so many issues tho im not surprised it all got left unresolved, it was actually the shows favorite sport. especially considering sam wasnt even considered a main character until s4 😭 also did they even say what sams living situation was after s3 because he was living at the hummel-hudson house before?? that seems to be a plot point i dont remember them ever coming back to 😭😭😭 blaine being there for him during the episode that really touched on sams body dysmorphia πŸ₯² and then they never came back to that.... blam really had each other during all the hardships of senior year πŸ₯Ή OKAY AND LIKE DOESNT IT MAKE MORE SENSE FOR BLAINE TO HAVE DATED SAM AND NOT KAROFSKY??? but then again, if blam got together why would blaine go back to kurt.... so that couldnt happen.

OH MY GOD YES I GET YOUU. okay so i knew before watching glee that klaine and brittana would get married at the same time and i was soooo down with it because at the time i had absolutely no details, but when i watched it i was SO ANNOYYYEEDD. before watching i was under the impression they had planned it together, but like wdym they basically crashed the wedding????? 😭 it shouldve just been a brittana wedding. the fact klaine got back together THAT episode too?? and now they are part of the wedding?? WHAT???? i think id also like your dms about it, tell me everything 😍

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