Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Twyler · 10mo

curious why you guys assigned tweek's animal to be a wolf!

He's meant to be a coyote, actually!!! (no emoji for that sadly) We felt a coyote fit him really well for a number of reasons 🤔

Coyotes are skittish and hypervigilant, see you before you see them... etc... They're very vocal and bitey, monogamous and mate for life. And coyotes hunt with foxes sometimes too :3 There's an article that talks about coyotes visiting fox dens and taking the food they leave for their kits. They aren't aggressive towards them at all, and the foxes don't ever move out. They're just "ok, i guess this is fine?"

And of course, the color of their coat, too! More in-line with our vision for Tweek, I think. Blond with the brown at the end.

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