Blue & Jas

Dedicated to the Twyle Agenda 💘

Account ran by @imblue66🦊 and @twilightflares🐺

💌 Any kind of question or prompt is welcome, please just don't be weird!

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Anonymous Twyler · 3mo

curious why you guys assigned tweek's animal to be a wolf!

Anonymous Twyler · 4mo

In your Vulpinate AU, does Kyle end up liking all the depraved stuff Tweek does?

Anonymous Twyler · 4mo

I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT VULPINATE AND CALEFACTION !!!! it sounds so cool oh em gee ???!!!

🐝 (💐💐 boket boket for blue and jas)
Anonymous Twyler · 4mo

any twyle ideas you would like to explore in the future?

Anonymous Twyler · 4mo

I just discovered that there r actually more twyle aus??!!!! TWYLE NATION IS BEING FED ?!!! can you tell us more about them (the aus) ? if ur willing to spill a little tea ofc hehe
- 🐝

omg bee anon!!! hi!!! 💐

We have a list of our current AUs with brief summaries on our carrd here:

Is there one in particular you want to hear about :3c

  • 🦊
Anonymous Twyler · 4mo

which au would play fortnite

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