Raizzie/Lazzy · 1y

Your HC post Accomplice End!!

Ohh… they’re going to get so worse post accomplice end. Provided it’s more chill compared to the bad endings, I think Yu and Adachi will lead a miserable life together. Maybe they meet up time to time, or Adachi mysteriously gets transferred back to headquarters so they move in together. But I think Adachi will be even more empty and depressed than before. I really enjoy suicidal Adachi post accomplice end and Yu’s forcefulness towards him may end up in Yu abusing Adachi. He’ll feel awful and apologize afterwards because he wants Adachi to stay alive and be together with him, but I want to see him snap on occasions like the kabedon scene.

In the case that it ties to P5 and they have hope of getting better, I think they will have a palace together, where Adachi calls a hit on himself and Yu. A Mansion palace perhaps where the irl location is their home? Dunno what their sin is as all of them are taken by other palace owners. The phantom thieves will have to face a boss that represents Yu and Adachi’s dependence (and horniness) for each other lol

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