Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Friendly Stranger · 12mo

Dude I just woke up from the most bizarre dream about your character Laistrygon.
In the dream, you had made a movie about him but it was from the POV of this short n fat girl who was having issues with her dad or smth (She was kinda like Charlie from Hazbin Hotel) and also having trouble with her wifi?? Sometimes she was in this huge ancient ruined castle grounds, and sometimes she was in a regular house. Anyways in the castle grounds she met Laistrygon and just started venting about all her problems and not really caring or phased by him being 40 times her size and he decided it’d be fun to help her while toying with her a little.
So he gave her better wifi lmao. Also he would teleport like, monsters to the castle ruins for her to fight? Idk I think they were supposed to be pests that he didn’t feel like getting rid of herself. At one point he teleported the woman’s dad so she’d have to confront him (much to her discontent).
ALSO, she’d periodically open this HUGE door and 3 or 4 times Laistrygon would be behind it. One of the times- and this was the most insane part of the dream- he was naked, half bird (half chicken I think?), and he had a fucking dildo up his cloaca/vagina. Ofc the main character was immediately like, “NO NO NO NO PUT SOME CLOTHES BACK ON WTF ARE YOU DOING” and he took the dildo out and stuffed it into her mouth to make her shut up (idk it magically changed sizes in the process). She spat it out and then he proceeded to momentarily hypnotize her and then stab her in the shoulder with the dildo.
Then later it went back to shenanigans where he teleported her friends to an alternate dimension where she had to save them.
It was such a weird dream lmfao

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