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Friendly Stranger · 11mo

Has Antiphates ever eaten people? How do they feel about eating people? Do they judge Laistrygon and Marquis for doing it?

They try to avoid it as much as they can. Sometimes they might give into the temptation though, like, for instance, if the human is a danger to them and/or people they feel protective of. otherwise, to somehow keep their predatory urges in check they might hunt and eat small animals.

and... well, I imagine it's complicated. Antiphates, upon first learning about Marquis's eating habits and the way he treats people in general, tries to avoid interacting with him out of sheer distaste. of course Marquis just finds this funny and wants to bully them some more.

with Laistrygon there isn't much they can do to change his mind. Laistrygon would be confused by Antiphates's change of heart, thinking they interact with humans too much and is growing soft on them.

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