Anon · 2y

given unlimited funds, unlimited time, unlimited focus, and an unlimited staff of talented folks to help, what sort of movie/tv series/book/comic/creative endeavor would you make happen?

gosh, there's so many possibilities... I think I'd want to do a dark animated series for adults with a cute style that focuses on a traumatized flawed cast of characters in a sort of fantasy/sci-fi combo dystopia, maybe something set post-post-apocalyptically, something where personal issues and relationships are cumulatively important. center to the story would be a codependent pair of friends? partners?, because that's a theme i like to explore, and how they begin to open up to experiences outside of them as events Happen and they meet more people outside of their circle. also probably some deep dark secret from the past binds them together and continues to cause emotional conflict with them to this day. various other characters showcase the structures of the world through their own lives and though the world has unique systems of magic and values that don't relate to our own world the characters also share common themes of trauma we can all relate to. more or less something like that is ideal to me

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