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Anon · 1y

What do you think about the theory that Ralsei is Asriel?

Anon · 1y

Olive Garden jump scare: There are still 3 open and running in Alberta. You are no longer safe and secure.

Anon · 1y

Merry Christmas! on the subject of Deltarune, who's your favorite DR character so far?

Anon · 1y

When I first started following you on social media, it was shortly after I played undertale (circa 2019) and I really liked your art and how you portrayed Asriel. Later, though, I saw your tweet about the great Iced Capp drought and I was like "damn, that's relatable." You cat pics are pretty great as well. You always have interesting takes on stuff that I enjoy reading. If there has to be a question here, I guess I'd like to know how you get your iced capps (I like getting it made with chocolate milk.)?

aww wow! i'm so glad to hear you like my art. lol the iced capp drought... I'm glad you like my cats too and i'm glad you enjoy hearing from me :) i'm happy to hear from other people too! I like talking about undertale and asriel. as for my ice capps, the texture is important to me so I always get them with cream because I don't like when the layers separate. though, seeing as im lactose intolerant it's not the best idea either way lol

muffin · 1y

Tbh seeing u in my tl is a real palette cleanser. Wheather or not ots a vent or little ramble abt ur interests, i like seeing u. Ur so nice n mellow. When i read ur stuff i imahine it in a nice calm voice.

Gunny hopes ur doing well and i hope that rat thats eating u up fricks off for good asap, bec u deserve so much, even if you may think otherwise rn.

thank you... that's so sweet. this is such a nice message, I really appreciate it. makes me feel warm and fuzzy

and aw. that's so so nice of you. (clutches nice and soft and warm message with gentleness) ty so much

Anon · 1y

naze? is this like a curious cat? i see. purr purr

Anon · 1y

talk to me about krisriel, i saw a really cute comic recently i'm choosing to interpret as krisriel so i want to hear more about it. also you're cool as heck! merry christmas!

Anon · 2y

you're super cool and smart and i love taking to you about all manner of things, i value your insight and your expertise and your humour, i love you dearly and hope the depression monster at least eases up a little bit soon!!!

aw, thank you... i didn't see this message until later but it's so sweet. i appreciate it

Anon · 2y

what’s a series you wish you could watch/read for the very first time again? what series is much better in the version you built in your head than it is irl? what’s something that pissed you off as a kid that you’re low key still salty about?

Anon · 2y

sorry to hear you're dealing with depression - i am too, but your fics and talking with you have been such a wonderful thing to have even when i'm struggling

thank you, i really appreciate hearing i can brighten someone else's day and esp someone else who is also struggling

Anon · 2y

given unlimited funds, unlimited time, unlimited focus, and an unlimited staff of talented folks to help, what sort of movie/tv series/book/comic/creative endeavor would you make happen?

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