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Anonymous · 2mo

What kinda fic are you workin on?? Tell me

Anonymous · 2mo

What are you gonna have for dinner? Hope it's good!

Anonymous · 2mo

you are such a pleasure to see on the tl, hope you have a nice day! 🌞

Anonymous · 2mo

Ilysm I hope your day gets better!!!! - vik

Anonymous · 3mo

i know it may not matter but when j*ngwoo got veneers i literally went through the 5 stages of grief, like theres something very charming and cute about people not having “perfect” (whatever that means) teeth and i never realized how much i cherish how different and lovely everyones teeth were until this veneers epidemic started :( this is to say, the people who bullied you for how ur teeth look suck and i bet your teeth are soooo cute

awww anon this is so sweet, thank you!! 💜 i love "imperfect" teeth, like you said it adds to individuality and charm. may the veneer epidemic end one day

Anonymous · 3mo

Funny that keita’s all like “he’s gonna eat you dude” to leejeong, meanwhile it’s really hanbin who’s the one who wants to F E E D, so it’s keita who’s more in danger. Kinda interested to hear about any thoughts you have on how itabin plays out? Does hanbin give in to the instinct???

LOL yes keita is the one being hunted!!! hanbin does try to lure keita into the water to kill him at least twice, but keita manages to avoid it. he's crafty!! and that pisses hanbin off, so he decides to become a menace who starts sabotaging the ship and the dock to make life harder for keita in revenge lol

Anonymous · 3mo

I wanna hear more about mermaid au, it’s so fun. Does yunseo get to go on land and get tag teamed by his handsome sailors

hello!! yunseo doesn't get both of them unfortunately, BUT he does bag leejeong and gets to live out his fairytale romance with him, complete with sappy courting rituals and good dicking down. he's very happy. meanwhile hanbin doesn't understand why yunseo doesn't just eat him, it would be SO easy to lure leejeong into the water and drown him 🙄

Anonymous · 3mo

i learned that lee know has previously called his friend in the leebit costume his boyfriend ( and wow i love this dynamic so much. when you can't be in a public relationship so you give your boyfie your fursuit so you can hold his hands in front of thousands of your fans

Anonymous · 3mo

You are kind and special and resilient and perceptive

Anonymous · 3mo

I don’t want to ask you anything. But just know you are one of my favorite accounts on the bird (former) app. Your jokes and dark twisted mind make for great inspiration and relatability. :)

purveyor of eggs · 3mo

Ur fun ily never change always excited to see u on the tl

aki · 3mo

hello hi is there anything new in poly au or any other aus talk about ur aus

all's quiet with poly au rn, letting them rest after the hell I put them through last week lol. today I was thinking about cowboy bebop au and how link bird imagery to both yunseo and hanbin, and how they eventually realize that each one of them only knows one side of keita - before the war, and after. hanbin thinking about that after he got keita to spare yunseo's life. the keita yunseo loved isn't here anymore. hanbin accepting he'll never know who keita used to be. and how hanbin thinks that if they met under different circumstances, he'd like to be yunseo's friend. just two little birds, caged by their desires and complications.

purveyor of eggs · 3mo

Tell me about ur tarantulas

hello yes I have 16 tarantulas at the moment!! i bought my first tarantula in January 2018 and she's still here :) not all of them are named, but the ones that are named are all named after food. the smallest is the size of my pinky nail, the largest is as big as my hand

Anonymous · 4mo

are itabin dating. they've been super close lately and ik ita never acted like this before

your guess is as good as mine, anon! i have no idea but they clearly love each other very much, in whatever shape it is, and i love that

Anonymous · 4mo

How did you celebrate cinnamoroll’s birthday?

what a nice question 🥺 i ate a cinnamon roll for breakfast, and i kept one of my cinnamoroll plushies with me at my desk at home while I worked! and after work I scrolled through pictures of other cinnamoroll birthday celebrations and got in my feelings over how happy this little guy makes me. it was a good day 💙

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