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anonymous friend ! · 8mo

Is there a story behind the Nikilol @ or did it just manifest one day with no further reason

I changed my @ to 2p4i3 very recently but Nikiliol is actually a smash of names. “Kili” is my cats name, my online name is Saki but “Niki” is my real name (I don’t mind giving it away since it was known for literal years that it’s my name, it’s changed now due to privacy reasons but it’ll take a while to cover up so might as well revert it a bit). So that’s the Nikili— part. The “ol” just manifested itself.
2p4i3, my current handle is actually “pi” with the first three digits reversed “But it’s 3.14” I thought the 1 would look ugly in it. lol.

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