Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous friend ! · 8mo

Do you ever pay much attention to the writers, or do you usually just read whatever and view it all the same?

I do pay attention to the writers but I mostly just read. But I think it’s more fun to read then guess what writer it was. It’s a shame I can’t see anymore but I can still guess. It’s better for the safety of the writers because some people are just petty to be honest, like we cannot say a story is bad by the writer. Example, Kinosei is always determined as worst writer but I like Kinosei’s Sora more than Akira’s Sora. And Sora is my favorite so… Yes, Kinosei is great at writing Switch in general in my opinion, Akatsuki too if he doesn’t attempt to write Kuro.
I used to place bets on who’s writing (especially in Akatsuki) depending on the ratio of “Danna” vs “Hasumi” said by Kuro, as well as how much in character Kuro is. He’s always the make or break. My data has been totally thrown off by Raison d’etre though I’m not going to lie what was Akira thinking.

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