Astrae · 20d

tell me some stuff about who/what you like :3

ooohhh man this answer may or may not be a little long! ive been debating exactly what to talk about but considering the last hokuchia ask, ill talk about rain-bows bc theyre super underrated imo ^-^ !!!! i adore this temp unit with every fiber of my being. hokke and chiaki being involved in this unit really is the cherry on top since theyre both my overall favorites in enstars (and im very abnormal about them), but their dynamic with tori And jin just make it even better. i rlyyy love how chiaki and hokuto dote on tori together its actually so cute 😭 and dont even get me started on hokuto and jin... those two are soo damn funny when they interact. its a really fun group and i highly recommend anyone to read rain-bows and saga... saga especially if u want more insight on hokuto. now THATS a fantastic story character-wise (and for jun too, for those who are fans of him LOL). hardcore hoping for another glimpse of rain-bows again in this current era since their unit is still active occasionally, kinda like how they showed up in graduation but even better 🤞 :3

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