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a curious little mouse · 25d

would furbies have mating rituals? furby sex? I ask this shyly

I like to think of them as quite organic despite sssome of the language in random old pamphlets, mostly I adhere to the one that describes them as an ecology that evolved (with Shelby being a kind of ancestor?).... and more or less like, a culture, with a language etc...

almost anything's rituals are woven into their overall candor when they are very sociable animals, Furby are very parrotlike in demeanor n habits (like to imitate each other, sing, dance) (possibly whalelike if we interpret whalesongs/coda as maaaybe even more intricate)... I would imagine a lot of feeding eachother, mutual grooming, preen preen and dance and sing songs, in their courtship!

FURBY SEX is like, hmmm...!! I feel like the cloacal kiss of birds is a result of evolving for flight more than anything else.... not even a trait they share with reptiles... so I don't tend to apply it to things, I prefer to lean on assumptions of penetration for grounded terrestrial life forms. Their recent ancestor being something from the sea.... is intriguing... that is their great apes you know. I would have imagined Shellby with something fairly prehensile to wurgle into eachother's crevices... it would be handy to retain that even when terrestrial, be able to maybe just... flop onto sides together as Furby, hook legs together or grabbies and rock around while singing, squiggling cock around tickling entrance (would tickling be a part of courtship?? furby loves tickle...) before sinking in....... I like when things with awkward pudgy anatomy like opossums or hedgehogs do it all flopped sideways, easier to pump hips WITHOUT legs planted it would seem. I don't imagine Furby has much momentum to gain from its short legs or torso.

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