Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Hc on when aven first become an employee of IPC? He said he did not go to school so I assume he’s illiterate, must be stressful as hell getting used to a megacorp working environment right away.

he had to had become a ipc after he met jade, so around late teens? & i'm sure she was the person who groomed him into a competent businessman bc it's basically confirmed by her voicelines that she prefers to polish the roughest gems, aventurine being her magnum opus. but yeah i can't imagine how hard that was since they had to teach him how to read, write, math, business etiquette, etc. i think his job being so luck based is why he was able to rise up quickly to a stoneheart - there's nobody better at that than him

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