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isagi superfan · 3mo

don’t even joke about femsagi nipple piercings lad..
she dresses modestly and gives off a mature vibe but she’s a freakkkk 😭 a few drinks away from getting a clit piercing at all times. do we think kaiser would pass out if he saw her piercings or does he also have holes in his dick
(i also love isagi getting a bunch of ear piercings after he retires, his plain face and the crazy piercings make him look no older than 20 even though he’s a hag atp)

I think kis should go with her to get it done honest to god. I think it’s a mix of both. I think he just has a weird relationship with pain in that he’s used to associating with it and probably thinks a tattoo or a piercing is nothing compared to what he’s been through, but when it comes to Isagi he’s like ??? Why r u hurting yourself don’t do that????? and has no reason why he feels so conflicted about it 😭😭 in the end their freaking metal clanging sex would definitely win over, guarantee their bedroom be sounding like shaking a box of nails

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