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isagi superfan · 3mo

What are your favourite aspects of kiis and what are your least favourite aspects of kiis

My fav aspect of kiis is that with a little time it’s like they’re mirrors of each other but so vastly different and I think they could get a long really well, but also that if they were to reach that kind of familial relationship and depth it still wouldn’t take away from their rivalry and they’re most likely going to be fighting for number one for the rest of their careers which is so uniquely them that it’s UGHH it’s perfect. I love everything about them bc there’s so much u can do with them and it just doesn’t have a limit they rlly are made for each other and in canon too bc what else is kaiser if not designed and there to be the fire beneath Isagi’s heel. My least favorite aspect is that they can sometimes seem too hostile with each other, which while it’s also my favorite thing about them too (LOL), I also think it’s what people tend to focus on the most and it takes away from the very true fact that they both of them undeniably admire each other’s determination and skills. I also hope they don’t have kaiser backseated, bc I’m looking forward to a potential timeskip and for kis to just be “another rival” despite making the biggest impact on Isagi I would be a little let down

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