
Ask me about my oc's pretty plz!
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Anon · 2mo

Fav sexy outfit to draw your ocs in?

Lingerie is a given, but tbh I like just drawing them naked more often than not. Hate to cover all that up. But also can't go wrong doing sexy clothed stuff, like no particular outfit, just sexy stuff in clothes.

Anon · 2mo

What do you do when you’re hitting an art block?

It's not often I do, but I've been trying to take breaks. Plays games. read a book or find something I forgot I was going to draw is sometimes a good warmup/pick me up.

Anon · 2mo

Ooh, whatcha working on? :3

afraid nothing sexy atm, getting caught up on some freelance. (I've got another pass on those wips I posted tho, so I'll get those done soon.)

Anon · 2mo

Okay but a crack baby of Jules and Mothman would be interesting. lol

Funny thing, Roger thought for a sec that she did have kids with him XD it's this dumb bit we have where she calls him over, and he doesn't know its to help babysit mothlets, so imagine his surprise when he sees her with a bunch, and he's all 'baby girl 😭 you got something to tell me??" And he might not like mothman but for a second he's like ready to step up LOL

But you're right a crack bby would be cute. Imagining a black n orange moth maybe 🤔

Anon · 2mo

Which monster was Jules’ fav to have met? (Doesn’t have to just for f*cking but like in general.)

Anon · 2mo

Who’s one of the most kinky of your ocs?

Gosh tough call. Maybe Jules? She's canonically fucked monsters (mothman once) and now cursed were-roger. She likes a lotta things, sexy magic, toys, she'd let ya hit it from the back, def a lil thrill seeker-likes fooling around in places they shouldn't, got Roger into pegging (they save that for birthdays). Oh yeah-she did the amazon position on him one of the first times they fucked and he was blown away cause he'd never been fucked like that.
Jules likes to be dominating sometimes too, but not in like the bdsm sense (that's lars n mars thing) She does throw out calling Roger a 'good boy' on occasion and he likes it- a lot 9v9

Anon · 2mo

Are there any ocs you want asks for specifically? I know all are fair game but sometimes we as their creators might be more in the mood for certain ocs.

Honestly, I'm down for anyone! If you're hoping to ask about someone in particular, by all means! I do also have a toyhouse if that would help, it doesn't have every single one of my characters on it quite yet but I don't mind sharing if you all want more characters to ask about n suggest <:3

Anon · 2mo

Biggest simp oc and who do they simp for?

Omgosh you know what's funny. As far as simping goes- in my oc ships, I'd probably say my friends oc's end up being the bigger simps XDc (or more specifically dia's lmaoo. lbh) But if I had to choose on my end- That might be Lars. Lmao, he developed the fattest crush on Marcus first when they were teens. But then kept it to himself well into adult-hood. Marcus annoys the shit out of him, but he's also nuts about him and they're each others best friend.
And then if I had to pick on the other end - Roger (dia's oc obvi) would by my vote for biggest simp. He is ride or die for Jules.

Anon · 3mo

Just want to say I love how you leave little kissy marks on characters. It’s one of my fav details, especially when they’re smudged a little. :3

Anon · 3mo

Tell us more about White? :3c

Gladly! Her full name is Dahlia White, I wanted her to look like an older doe-eyed snow white.
She's one of my Monster of the week characters I made for a clue style game. She's the spooky. She's been able to see dead people as long as she can remember and then developed powers from some things she went through (think like the spooky electricity thing aggie from paranorman can do) She's a widow in her 30's. She likes to read, draw/paint and go for walks. She's a bundle of nerves and trauma. She mainly wears black, white and red. Oh- and her favorite flavors of ice cream are cherry or chocolate almond.

Anon · 3mo

What’s one of your fav poses to draw ocs in?

I like whatever makes them look clingy and as long as everyone's enjoying it :3 In laps, frotting, kissing, etc.

Anon · 3mo

One of your babes wearing just an apron for their partner to walk in on kinda trope would be fun. Lol

You know my first thought was Clem because I definitely drew her in just an apron at least once, but then I started thinking White doing this for Plum would be super cute too 6v6

Anon · 3mo

Ooh, Jules and Roger kick? can we see more wereRoger and Jules?

Anon · 3mo

Some Clem and Hubs lovin’s would be nice to see. Always been a fan of those sweet babes. ❤️

It has been a minute since I drew them. ;u; I've been on a big Roger/Jules kick. (I'm still in it lmao) but I can always make some time for Clem n Hubs >v< see what I can come up with soon

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