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Anon · 9mo

Which monster was Jules’ fav to have met? (Doesn’t have to just for f*cking but like in general.)

Probably mothman. I actually made him a creature/contact I could summon for MOTW. And lore-wise he sorta becomes god-monster to Jules and Roger's kids. He's also responsible for their oldest's middle name. Mothman also has mothlets of their own with a friends Momo and their sorta like their indirect cousins lol.
Roger wasn't a fan of him for a long time. (Particularly not when he had a run in with him and lost a part to his car before he and Jules finally meet-meet and date) and Especially! not when he finds out that Jules had sex with him once and THINKS she thinks that he was better than him. (She doesn't, she'd just describe it as different cause-I mean come on, monster D) We like to describe Roger as machismo, he's an italian-american living with his nona, working out of his family's deli, trying to stay under the radar after he gets out of jail. He's not toxic, he's actually very open-minded and a good listener, but he gets jealous and hung up on stuff till they work it out.
Anyway Mothman, he's basically a friend of the family UuU Nona likes to feed him pasta and yarn

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