Anonymous Coward · 2mo

As Sukuna reaches a second high - the wheel turns once again. His own seed dribbling down onto his face as Raga let's go of him - only for it to grab him by the hips and pull Sukuna into it's lap. Turning him around so his feet rest at it's neck and his head right on top of its crotch. It spreads his cheeks and finally - finally - he can see Mahoraga reaching it's slick-covered tounge out to lap against his hole.
i just, overstim kuna, yes pls🤤 just manhandling him around im going insane🫠🫠

HNnnnnnnnnn OH THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL IMAGE 😩😩😩 I WISH I COULD DRAW THIS MY GOD! Sukuna being suspended upside down, his face so close to Mahoraga's crotch, himself exposed so close to Mahoraga's face. He's sensitive and he can feel his muscles twitching before that tongue is on him and this angle is worse. if he thought the tongue was deep before it's even deeper now and just UGH Sukuna drooling and because of the angle it's basically dripping down his own face, his cock leaking continously as Mahoraga continues to work him through orgasm after orgasm. Sukuna pitifully and pathetically reaching up, unable to grab anything because he's so small and god it's good but he can't think, it's too much. Maybe Mahoraga's is that big it can fit Sukuna's cock in his mouth whilst also tongue fucking him open? Mahoraga hollowing its cheeks out and just sucking and swallowing, wrenching the neediest of whines from Sukuna in the process becase it feels like he's about to be ripped open.

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