Anonymous Coward · 18d

hi wimsi!! I have two questions (if that's fine ^^;)

1) will you ever write tojibara again? I found you through that one shot you wrote and have loved everything ever since (just curious, no pressure if you don't have any intentions)
2) would you mind twitter DMs?

Hello! Of course it's fine ^^
1) I do have an idea somewhere deep in my priv with Toji x Nobara and car sex (something about Nobara went on a date which sucked, she asked Megumi to pick her up but Toji did and showed her how a real man treats a woman or something ;)
2) I do not! I can't make promises on how quickly I'll respond to them (time zones for one (I'm going to be nodding off for bed soon), work for two, and life for three :( ) but yes! They should be open ^^

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