Anonymous Coward · 7d

hi this is not a request or smth I'm actually just delusional and need to get it off my chest I'm so so sorry but I cannot get the image of your omega sukuna bitching naoya out of my mind. Like I want to see that knot-minded mutt get pushed up against a wall and fucked untill he cries😭💦 bonus if sukuna tells him he's going to get naoya pregnant or like fuck a baby into him idkkkkkk man HELPSS😭😭😭😭😭😭
anyways I hope you can tell I fucking love untraditional I wanna print it out and put it in my mouth🥹

PLEASE DO NOT APOLOGISE FOR GOLD! YEssss! Honestly they both deserve it so much. Sukuna deserves to have a good time bitching the whiniest alpha to ever exist and Naoya deserves to be bitched by the most feral of omegas to ever exist. It's a match in heaven honestly (and BETWEEN YOU, ME AND EVERYONE ELSE - it could very well be a thing in the future because Sukuna already hates Naoya, Megumi hates Naoya, everyone hates Naoya so who's really gonna stop it if anything happens to him)
YESSSSSS PLEASE That's all Sukuna's saying to him "You're gonna get knocked up by an omega. How's it feel to be the first pregnant alpha. Kinda pathetic if you ask me." or SOMETHING IDK JUST SUKUNA BEING AN ABSOLUTE SHIT HOUSE AND MAKING IT WORSE "I'm gonna fuck you with my knot (doesnt matter if he doenst have one) and I'm gonna fuck you again and again and again until you have no choice but to carry my child."
I love it too and ahhh I'm so touched you wanna print it out already and it's barely started ANON PLEASE LET ME KISS YOU ON THE FOREHEAD <3 <3 <3 <3

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