Anonymous Coward · 6d

Megumi in vibrating panties! Being told to wear them for the whole day, humiliation when he does finally cum

GOOD LORD 😩 I want that man flushed from head to toe, unable to sit still, his entire body practically shaking by the end of the days, panties wet, voice quivering and breaking, fingers shaking, and when he cums? good lord it's the worst because he's supposed to enjoy it but it feels like everyone's been able to see what's been going on all day. It feels like anybody who took one look at him would KNOW because how could they not? He's almost ashamed that it took some underwear to get him off and not some fingers or a cock or something else. He wants to hide his face, apologise, take them off and shower for an hour, bury himself in the blankets and try to wipe the memory from his brain.

But when he's being told to put them on again you just know that boy's happily putting them on, ready to feel shame all over again

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