pirate crew member · 6mo

Hi! So when you use a sticker book, do you have to lift off the sticker's "protection paper", put the sticker in the book and then you can lift it off of it whenever you want it will still stick to another surface?

You would open it just like a regular notebook so yes basically! The actual pages are made out of sticker backing paper (if you've ever peeled a sticker off of a sticker sheet, it's that shiny paper behind it) So the stickers won't lose their original stickiness by storing them inside the sticker book (compared to regular paper or another surface). If you choose to take out a sticker later, it will be just as sticky as before!

You can look up "reusable sticker book" online to see other similar examples.

I'll also be filming a video on how to use it once they arrive to me 🫶💙

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