
hola i draw and make ateez merch. for questions about current orders, please email me instead -> ([email protected])

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pirate crew member · 2mo

hello! actually i never ended up making one for yeosang because i draw him the most and the others were for me to study them better.

sure, you have my permission to use them as long as you don't crop out my username on the images and you don't earn anything monetarily from the guide. if you could add a link to my twitter account somewhere, that would be super helpful too! thank you so much for liking them and asking me beforehand! 🫶❤️

you can also use these since all 8 are here:

pirate crew member · 4mo

why is march an important month?!

pirate crew member · 4mo

hola just want to tell you that your creations have always brought a smile to my face. Whatever you decide to do, we're all supporting you! Fighting! (Please take care in the mean time)

😭 im super grateful for all the kind messages today. ur all rly sweet to me ty!! 💙💙💙 it always makes me so happy to hear ppl like any of the things i make. pls take care of urself too!

pirate crew member · 4mo

You’ve been so encouraging to me when I’ve gone through tough stuff. I’m sending all the good vibes back. Having a small business is so challenging. I hope someday you can sort it out and it’s less stressful. All the love and support

Thank you! I try to send a lot of positive energy to others and I definitely appreciate it from u <3 It is hard, but definitely worth the effort. I'm always hoping for a miracle in some way :') Take care friend!!

pirate crew member · 4mo

Fighting luz! No matter what you decide for the future of your shop I'll always cheer for you. I hope your situation will get better

Thank you for the encouragement! I'll keep it open to sell my current stock, I just can't afford to produce any new stuff outside these current dolls.

I hope so too 🥹 Wishing you the best took anon! 🫶💙

pirate crew member · 5mo

This goodie club was a great idea, I hope this will get the success it deserves
You always try new things to keep your shop fresh and I can only admire you for that

omg thank u so much!! :'D i have plans to expand tier rewards in the future too. im quite proud of my ideas and im always looking to improve them. i just really want everyone to have a good experience, its the least i can do for all the support i get! ty for this message, it genuinely made my day <3

pirate crew member · 6mo

Is Seonghwa a fancy white strawberry? 😲

i guess haha! wanted him to be white/silver themed this time and remembered seeing rly light pink strawberries 😅 idk any easily recognizable gray fruit,,, so fancy it is 😎

pirate crew member · 6mo

Hi! So when you use a sticker book, do you have to lift off the sticker's "protection paper", put the sticker in the book and then you can lift it off of it whenever you want it will still stick to another surface?

You would open it just like a regular notebook so yes basically! The actual pages are made out of sticker backing paper (if you've ever peeled a sticker off of a sticker sheet, it's that shiny paper behind it) So the stickers won't lose their original stickiness by storing them inside the sticker book (compared to regular paper or another surface). If you choose to take out a sticker later, it will be just as sticky as before!

You can look up "reusable sticker book" online to see other similar examples.

I'll also be filming a video on how to use it once they arrive to me 🫶💙

pirate crew member · 6mo

Can I ask what "protective plastic sleeve" on the sticker books means?

Hello! It's like a hard plastic cover over the actual notebook design. I'll post an example pic on twitter 👍 It's not like pc loader or sleeves 😅

pirate crew member · 7mo

hello didn't know how else to reach u to say this but i love your drawings and merch they r all so cute i want to EAT THEM and also hold them gently in my arms. thank u for sharing your art with the world, pls never stop doing what you're doing <3

tysm,,, 🥹 wanting to eat my art is the largest compliment ty 🤲💙 it means a lot rly !! :,) sorry i got dms closed but i will def think of ur kind words when i begin to doubt myself 🫶 so long as im alive i will keep creating !!!

pirate crew member · 7mo

Holaaaa! Will you be bringing back the Ateez dolls? Is it possible to commission them?

Hello! I most likely will not be restocking the cateez dolls because of quality issue with my old manufacturer. But I do want to make more dolls in the future maybe mini vers :,3

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