pirate crew member · 2mo

hey. i want to ask you on dm but i couldnt dm you. i love your fanart for this set https://twitter.com/wooyoungandwild/status/1488467978098298887/photo/1 i found all member version except for yeosang. just found this one https://twitter.com/wooyoungandwild/status/1489151234389032961/photo/1 did you have the same fanart style for yeosang? and im planning on making ateez guide thread in my language, i want to add your fanart there, i thought it's so cute and gonna help to remember how ateez members look like. do you mind if i add them there? i will mention your id

hello! actually i never ended up making one for yeosang because i draw him the most and the others were for me to study them better.

sure, you have my permission to use them as long as you don't crop out my username on the images and you don't earn anything monetarily from the guide. if you could add a link to my twitter account somewhere, that would be super helpful too! thank you so much for liking them and asking me beforehand! 🫶❤️

you can also use these since all 8 are here: https://x.com/wooyoungandwild/status/1488373336400875523?s=46&t=4uH6zL7-2uBE1qKt_txZmA

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