Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 3mo

Is there a specific place, that Apple serves, as a druid? Or a season or terrain that she favors? From art with another satyr, I gather that she wasn't totally isolated before going adventuring hee hee

The next DofD is gonna be about faun lore... but I will tell you some stuff :•) all fauns are druids by default, but their society is very hippy, chase your bliss free love etc, so they don’t really care if someone wants to pursue other options. Apple left her home grove pretty young to go live in the city and learn about high society, which is why she’s still so shy about sex. But mating season is coming up and she’s gonna go into heat sooon 🤭.
Also, she favours spring, meadows and woodland :)
PS that drawing you’re referring to wasn’t meant to be Apple! Just a random other faun girl

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