Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 3mo

How did Theo meet their patron? Was it an Opened The Wrong Book situation, or dream visitation, ooor other? Does his patron have anything to do with his decision to explore the dungeon, or is its horniness vs the wizard's purely coincidental? (haven't read Spectre yet, sorry if some of these are answered therein!)

Theo sought out their patron! They specifically wanted to find an entity that no one else would be able to notice, because (as you learn in the comic) they were failing at their studies. Everyone thinks Theo is a wizard, but they’re really a warlock. (By DND rules a wizard is able to perform magic through study, and a warlock can only perform magic by making a deal with a demon or god or whatever else will agree to sponsor them). They went into the dungeon because their patron demanded they defeat the Wizard for it. I’ll say no more on that yet. Spoilers for future comics 😘

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