Nameless Grub · 29d

i never knew you were interested in writing dark fantasy until your tweet… your works have helped me untangle a lot of shit the world put in my head to make me try to be normal (ie kill everything that makes me myself). I connect somewhat with sci-fi and fiction in general, but honestly i’m not sure if i could handle a xrafstar dark fantasy bc that is my bread and butter… it would work too well and i would never be able to return to normal society. and i know u have good taste (fear n hunger, berserk ect) which makes me all the more filled with trepidation/horniness. need some morally compromised characters filled with impossible longing for something that vanished long ago from their broken world to cry and jerk off to 😭🐉🏰🐛🐛🐛🐎⚔️

I have some dark fantasy games and short stories (With Those We Love Alive, Soft Now) but yeah, a novella would be so killer. Fear and hunger, berserk, yessss. Hoping to share at least some fragments in the future...thank you for seeing the vision. If I ever pull it off, it'll be so fucking nasty. 🏰🐝👩‍👦‍👦

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