Nameless Grub · 1mo

Oh also- how much do you read? Daily, weekly, whatever scale. I've been inquiring this for a lot of the people I respect. After a seizure I've struggled to read dense, meaningful text quite a bit. So I've been wondering how much this will cripple my want to understand the world and make art about my loving disgust for it

i read nonstop as a kid which gave me some stats. i read pretty randomly now. i can go months without reading a proper book, then read a bunch. movies and music are a much more regular fixation for me. it's hard to find books that i like. i tend to enjoy scifi horror or any kind of tense locked in scenario. or the stuff i need to write cuz i can't find it.

there is always a way to make art. it's like water. even if there are challenges, nothing can cut you off. but it feels really bad to have setbacks, and i'm sorry about the seizure. i've had a lot of physical issues, some that kept me from making meaningful things for years, and i had to learn to make things with my body, not against it. so the way people talk about art might not make sense for you, but there are infinite things you can discover for yourself. it's the process, and everyone has one.

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