Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Nameless Grub · 2mo

Hello porp I would just like to tell you how much I love leash and every story in it. Burrowing deep into the unspeakable human experience and emerging with something cherished,,,,,
Some curious questions:
Could someone be xrafstared twice or would the parasite be too possessive to let that happen? Thinking about how on the atoll we have currently only seen riparian but I wonder…
Also…is it just me or does scoutverse riparian seem a lot more xrafstarbrained than coffeeverse riparian? The parasite seems a lot more dominant/the main framework of mind here while in coffee he seems so much more human in the style of malice he harbours.

thank you for loving leash <333 🪱🪰

1) two parasites one gut, interesting…DP...double parasite…double pseuding…the parasite eventually replaces the intestines with itself, so there would only be room for one, but it would be fun for two parasites to fight for one body! it would either kill the body or drive it (more) insane. or maybe a pseud could adapt to be the esophagus and the other could be the intestines? how domestic
generally, two parasites are more likely to compete for a body by infecting it with their respective diseases…fever mind control battle.
one of the next episodes will reveal a NEW PSEUD and there will be a lot more later and it will be HORRIBLE.
2) yes! instead of the parasite passing down from father to son and retaining “coherence”, this one has been through many bodies, surviving feral. his memories and emotions are much more fragmented, and he lives a Memento-like existence of writing notes on his arm to orient himself in time-space. his malice is imperial revanche, ancient and impaling.

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