Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Nameless Grub · 2mo

reading riparian is really fun as a being with a very sensitive sense of smell... can't avoid that awareness, can't avoid knowing what other people smell like, can't be not conscious of how that sense affects us even when we don't want to be affected, how much it controls our perception in spite of our supposedly better senses/awareness of people and spaces...

yes, it's so fun! of all the senses, it most compliments my stories; the emphasis on unseen things, shame, etc. especially for a parasite who is just trying to blend into human society but can't stop smelling this boy's dick/ass/balls/etc. and there is this unspoken hierarchy, as you allude; the smell of someone can make you think, oh they are weaker/stronger than I thought, their value has changed...are they coarser than suspected, are they unwell...

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