Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Nameless Grub · 13d

“whiplash ballet medfet” is all my dreams coming true at once. cant believe you’ve done this. ALSO i think… and have thought for a long time… that trianon and nina from black swan would be friends. they have retard angel twin dna and they are both fantasy autistic torture victims who metabolise all evil to fuel their own transformations. gay stuntmen rolling through life changing injuries. cockroach girls! nina’s world is way more bleak imo. she need friendship or the honest/direct violence she fantasises about... or both! this may very well mean nothing to you i just got excited when i saw ballet talk. thanks in advance for all the fucking incredible shit you’re planning!!!!!

trianina...that's a cute thought. i need to rewatch, haven't seen it since it came out. cockroach girls! 🪳🩰

yes dance is so exciting! going to organize my leash page a bit and start posting fragments when i have the chance. thank you!! <333

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