Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Nameless Grub · 18d

i wanted to thank you for writing the way you do and about the things you do because it made me realize there’s really no rules when it comes to creative work and i can type in run-on sentences like i’m trying to puke all the words out in a single breath because that’s actually super sick and it’s how my stupid brain works anyways and if we’re honest it makes text so much more interesting to read. i was actually able to finish something short and dirty and sweet that’d been knocking around my brain for months-years because of this so thank you very much from the bugs in my brain to yours. 🪱🖤✨

yeah! the only thing that matters is putting the feeling into the world! anything that gets in the way is IRRELEVANT 💜🪱

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