Anonigoose · 29d

naga diluc kidnapping cavalry capt kaeya and breeding him with his 2 huge cocks after inserting a tiny amount of venom in his bloodstream that acts as a aphrodysiac / muscle relaxer so his pussy can handle two cocks, one to make him come and the other to push eggs in him until he's so full he's crying... coiling around him gently so as to not disturb the growing babies inside as diluc traps him in the domain forever. as soon as he's done pushing out the fertilized eggs... diluc pulls him close, clawed hand pressed against his stomach to hold him flush against his body, cock nudging at his loose entrance. kaeya whining and crying and begging diluc to stop as he pierces him into his cock again, but diluc goes slow and almost lovingly, each thrust pushing in deeper and the pleasure becoming way too much for kaeya that he comes a few times before diluc comes in him again. ensuring he'll be used for the duration of the breeding cycle... leaving to hunt for him while kaeya is left in the nest of comfort, belly swollen and pussy struggling to keep the eggs in. each breath is arduous for kaeya but he's treated so well despite the circumstances...

naga dlc would bring back a lot of food he hunted as gift to his mate and he's not shy about putting his long forked tongue in kaeya either ... kae thinking being bloated with the beast's eggs is not so bad after all.. wonder what kind of babies will hatch

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