Anonymous Coward · 7mo

I think it was your RT of Laev's fic that led to me brainrotting about Remuria lore now 😭😭💙 Really hoping HYV will at least show us their faces... they did Egeria, Nabu Malikata and Deshret dirty I fear. (Then again we only got Guizhong's appearance recently... 2+ whole years sobs)

I'm happy to know if my RT could contribute to your new brainrot!:)<3 Lae's fic is a masterpiece - sadly, the ship is not popular enough so it lacks its readers, I truly hope this will change. I'm lowkey dying to know Mhy's take on Scylla (like, I can imagine, but I need to see him haha). I come to wrltt from having a Neuvi obsession (okay, it took me only days to get into the deep sea) but Neuvi and Scylla too have a special corner in my heart (without shippy material). And Remus... At this point, I need to know if his appearance can be parallel with Wrio's or if he's rather the blonde with purple eyes as a good few ppl see him. Based on the past, I kind of have high hopes we will get at least st short animated (in the drawing style) in a later patch crossing fingers
I'm sorry for the late reply, I hope you're having a nice day!<3

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