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Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Hi! I just wanted to ask how you are lately?

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Thought about wriolette becoming more and more touchy as they become more intimate; from brushing fingers as they exchange papers, to bumping shoulders as they sit together, to resting heads or hands on the other's lap at the end of a long day.

I love this flavour of them, how this could be so new for both. It may take trial and error (in the sense of even attempting to reach out to the other) but I trust them to figure it out. I don't think they would get touchy in front of others but I love the sentiment of how they can end up enjoying e/o's company while they are doing their respective paperwork. It feels like real love and genuine affection, I love this!

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Hi! I hope you're having a nice day today. No worries if not, sending many virtual hugs your way! I love reading your works when they cross my timeline, and I do love a smidge of angst~ Thank you for all you do! And thank you for Neuvi's cane HCs hehe I haven't thought about it like that so your take was really cool to me!

Thank you for reading my works!! The cane HCs have a special place in my heart, I'm really happy that I could provide you with a new view on this; it's always a pleasure if I'm able to make others think deeper into the characters. It's been ages since you wrote this to me — I'm sorry for the late reply! Virtual hug back to you and (even if late, but) I'm wishing you a nice day as well!

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

PSA: abysstea's supporter tennerby is posting their art in wrlt and nvthsl tags. they currently follow abysstea and previously liked several of their pro-invasion/pro-r*ssia pics (Venti w/ a rifle, Noelle w/ a rocket launcher, chi//lumi w/ r*ssian flag etc.)

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Thank you for blacking out the name of the commenters! 🙇‍♀️ I'm glad my comments could uplift the writer but I'm also nervous about situations like "what if I'm not in that fandom anymore and I don't want people to know I read stuff from there before?" so that's why I prefer having the name hidden haha

Your reasoning or simple shyness makes sense, and I wouldn't want to make anyone uncomfortable — my goal is the opposite. Even though some crazy person could look through all my fics to find the given comment and the user who left it, as AO3 is a public site, this could happen anyway. So tbh I get it; those who are proud of their comments, if they see such a tweet, they can simply interact with it and let the world know. I'm all for the comfort of everyone, so the "no name" version won for sure!<3

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

you mentioned neuvithesley in your previous answer... do you like it too...? will you be retweeting/posting about it...?

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

hiiiii im so shy to talk to anyone here but i absolutely adore your content and your vision of wriolette!! They are so precious and tender TT btw do you have some wriolette hc's with dragon-part neuvillette?

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

I love how you say that you love wriolette soft and kind, because that's how I love them too! and love IS warm!! <3

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Hiii i can still see your tweets btw but i'm not sure on your end 😭😭 either way will miss you for the time beinggg

Hello you lovely person! I think why you could still see my tweets and/or me in search was bc twt considers us to be in a closer circle. As much as I read into this, sban may not influence ppl who interact a lot - I couldn't find any better explanations. I'm sorry I didn't check this place for two weeks and I only saw your ask now...;v; I'm back on twt and whoever you are, I hope to see you around!<3

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

hi! for me, i prefer pics over thread fics, unless it's like 20 tweets worth or less. it's because i'm afraid of losing my place when i read lol but yeah!

Your concern about losing track is valid! (The number of times that Twt refreshes itself sometimes...:/) Thank you for bringing my attention to this side of the matter, I didn't consider it so far! I hope you're having a lovely day!:)

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Thank you so much for your wrltt works and threads and RTs! Truly the only things getting me through hell week rn 😭😭😭

Thank YOU, Anon, for reading my fics and threads and looking out for the art and thoughts I RT on Twt!!;v;<3 Sending you love—this week was not nice to me either (bad is an understatement), I hope we both can spend at least the last day of the week feeling better and rest up a little! When life gives you lemons... well, you eat them but maybe wrltt can be the sugar in the lemonade and it'll taste better T-T (this was a horrific metaphor I am sorry)

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Wait is scylla the previous hydro sovereign?? Or was he not?

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

I personally adore dark hair + purple eyes Remus haha I think it would make the gold pop on him (since he's usually adorned/associated with gold). And I reallyyy hope we get something animated! Idk what I'll do if he just shows up as a freakin harp lmao but since Clorinde mentioned him in 4.2 AQ, I have hope that he'll show up eventuallyyy

Now I'm thinking about dark-haired Remus with as light purple eyes as Wrio's blue~~ Then bro could wear his long robe and all the gold that his puny musician body can bear haha
Let's hope together and either celebrate after 4.6 or cry if nothing comes;v;

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

I think it was your RT of Laev's fic that led to me brainrotting about Remuria lore now 😭😭💙 Really hoping HYV will at least show us their faces... they did Egeria, Nabu Malikata and Deshret dirty I fear. (Then again we only got Guizhong's appearance recently... 2+ whole years sobs)

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Ahaha yeah I just wanted your reaction/opinion on the info :D Loved how Neuvi's first interaction with us solidified his warmth and kindness, and shattered that cold impression from the pre-4.0 teaser

Then I hope you got that:) Imo anyone who cannot see from 4.0 AQ that Neuvi is a kind person... They lack reading comprehension. Idk what else ppl need to believe this if they still don't, not even after 4.2... But it is what it is. Seeing Neuvi slander on Twt is disheartening - but thankfully, many ppl also make threads about his achievements that we all can share. I will stop rambling now; I'm sorry for the slow reply, I wish you a nice day!:)

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