Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Wait is scylla the previous hydro sovereign?? Or was he not?

Please, take my words with caution—I am no lore expert. As far as I know, Scylla is the previous Sovereign but I lost track of what is a leak and what isn't anymore. If I know well, the Remuria timeline is a little messed up now (e.g. having Egeria existed during this period?). I hope my answer isn't getting the wrath of lore people directed towards me now haha^^" With Scylla and Remus tbh my mind stopped at the 'ancient toxic yaoi' part and also I'm like 99% wrltt obsession and I have 1% spared for remulla~ I blame Lae (lol the number of times you are getting mentioned in my retrospring) and their Scylla with his hair pooling in his lap. That image burnt into my mind so now I simply must care about his dumb dog god king bf too (jkjk but Remus you clown I love you I hate you). I'm just weak for the "giving the goblet" kind of love letter stuff and my mind is stuck with that info. I think I managed to answer your question but also not answer it at all rip, bear with me, I'm trying

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