Anonymous Coward · 5mo

I love how you say that you love wriolette soft and kind, because that's how I love them too! and love IS warm!! <3

Soft and kind — this is one of my favourite things to say about wrlt. They are dutiful and they care more about others than about themselves... Imo this also appears in their relationship. Aside from nsfw preferences, I like Wrio being in the lead (only in the slightest because they are equals. But to imagine that someone like Neuvi can trust this to another, oh... it hits so well). But anyhow of the tag (wriolette or neuvithesley), I dislike when one of them is portrayed as being unkind and/or dominating in a way that pulls the other down. In my read, they are just kinder, gentler, and more caring than this to ever happen. And yes, as you wrote... Love is warm. I rarely see this mentioned, while in Wrio's demo, imo this ideal and how much this has been missing from his life is clear. Love should be warm between them, otherwise, it's not my cup of tea (no matter the tags). I agree with you fully!<3

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