Anonymous Coward · 5mo

hiiiii im so shy to talk to anyone here but i absolutely adore your content and your vision of wriolette!! They are so precious and tender TT btw do you have some wriolette hc's with dragon-part neuvillette?

I made this place bc I'd like to talk to shier ppl and give them the chance to speak — sometimes, it's scary to just write to another person. It was a long time ago now, but I've been there as well before. Tender is another wonderful word to describe how I see wrlt — I'm happy to know you share my vision!! I know this isn't for everyone but I believe that different 'flavours' can co-exist in peace<3
Maybe I will disappoint you now bc I don't have too many thoughts about Neuvi's dragon-parts. I like the idea that he has some scales under all those robes he's wearing... Maybe a tail or fins showing up when he's in water or he's using a bigger amount of hydro mhm. We can add some glowing into this — and gosh, he's ethereal and he's everything. As for nsfw, I rarely write it and I rarely read it (or rather: with caution). I have my reason to have stricter preferences and be careful what I open and consume — as for dragon parts in this setting, I would probably not write it. If reading, then I'm once again not the biggest fan of this but sometimes I may read it — I know many ppl enjoy this and I'm happy for them, even if I don't truly belong to this category. Back to HCs: I think it could be an adorable scenario to have Wrio going "Wow" about Neuvi's dragon parts when he sees them for the first time. I think Wrio is a practical and tactical man and he could ask st nerdy... But maybe Neuvi would like that haha and he wouldn't feel as shy (or, to add angst flavour: he wouldn't feel as an outcast) to talk about his draconic parts. I take Wrio as a curious man so ofc it'd be nice to let him explore (and we can decide how far we go with this).
Then, if we mention the 'dragon' — I haven't written dragon form Neuvillette but ohhh one day I will, I'm itching to do that. High-fantasy was my go-to genre as a teen/young adult to read, I love the idea of full dragon form Neuvi<3

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