Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Hi! I just wanted to ask how you are lately?

Dear Anon, I appreciate the question. The funniest thing is I just accidentally opened Retro to find this ask — meanwhile, I've been sarcastically laughing at myself that if I don't lose my mind in the next week(s) then I won't ever. I'm trying (maybe not trying hard enough) to be as well as possible, both mentally and physically (I'm trying and failing haha). There are some uncertainties in my life that I must figure out the sooner the better; I hope that once I manage to be done with this, things will truly become easier. I hope that with this, I can also become more active again in the fandom, my upcoming projects are making me excited!! I also hope that eventually, I can get back to my ongoing fics as well (you could catch me replying to the oldest unanswered comments these days, I'm trying to catch up). Anyhow, I am rambling — thank you for checking in! I wish you (and anyone who reads this) a wonderful day!♥

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