Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon flower · 6mo

You have many tweets that I’ve liked and that come across my feed and I didn’t even realize it was the same account until I clicked your profile today😭 and then I scrolled through your account, it’s such a warm vibe!! I like your pen and your flowers :) that’s so coincidental because I was going to go out tomorrow and get flowers just because the vase on my table has been empty for so long and pressing(?) or drying🤔 them seems so interesting so thank you for sharing your love for them :) also I’m sometimes too curious and so I read some of your rs answers, Sri Lanka is so cool and I wish to visit someday. Someone so special to me was born there and so now it’s carved in my heart as one of the coolest places ever. 🙎🏽‍♀️↕️ Her and I aren’t in eachothers lives anymore, but I’m always wishing her the best. And you just seem so kind I am now wishing u the best.
lol rambled like crazy I’m so sorry. Have a beautiful day and life mwah💗💐👧🏽

Hiii anon sorry i’m late but thank you so much i’m glad you enjoy what i post :-) what flowers did you end up getting ? and i would def recommend drying /pressing them you can use them in journals or as bookmarks or on letters etc. you should also def visit srilanka it’s one of my fav places in the world and i go back pretty often so i want other people to enjoy it as much as me🤍 i hope your friend is well wherever she is and thank you again for thinking so kindly of me i hope i can be as lovely as you think i am😭 please don’t apologise for rambling i love to hear people’s thoughts so ramble whenever and hope you have a beautiful week ahead sweet sweet person

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