Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon flower · 6mo

Do you have any tips on how to REMAIN a talkative person in a social setting? It feels like I can only stay social for a short period of time before a random wave of sadness comes over and I become quite

ahh it appears we have the same conundrum anon; i’d say the first step to fixing this is figuring out where the wave of sadness is coming from. is it exhaustion from being in a social setting? frustration from the interaction itself? or maybe like nostalgia/melancholy from the moment passing/Dissociation? i know i personally struggle with the 3rd one so i try to remind myself to live in the moment/be grateful for what i have. also i don’t think going quiet for a while is necessarily a bad thing if it’s not attached to negative feelings we’re not meant to talk nonstop however it seems like it’s coming from a bad place for you so i hope you can figure this out inshaAllah and pray things get easier for you

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