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Lorelei Guinevere · 4 answers · 1mo

Have you ever received kind words from someone? If so, do you mind sharing it with me and telling the reason why you still remember them to this day?

I received a lot of kind words especially from my close friends. We're just idk bickering a lot but whenever any of us feels down and everything, we will support eachother's back and gave tons of comforting words.

Danish K. Gabriel · 4 answers · 2mo

Pernah campurin makanan/minuman yang gak biasa atau bahkan ekstrim gak? Kalau pernah, campur makanan/minuman apa?

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐇. · 6 answers · 2mo

Selamat siang. Saya penasaran, hewan favoritmu, apa? Dan kenapa kamu suka hewan itu?

top 5: fox, horse, snake, wolf/panda they're in the same rank now, jellyfish. no reasons. i just vibe.

anon · 2mo

if you could pick one out of Doraemon's pocket, what would you choose? ✨

Celine · 11 answers · 3mo

Hey, what's your favorite flower and its color? I'm curious to know. Is there a special reason why you like it?

pink peonies, blue hydrangea. forget-me-not, aster, gardenia, blue rose, red rose, yellow iris, white orchid, lily of the valley, pink carnation, bluebells, lavender. banyak. no specific reasons. i love flowers.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐇. · 2mo

Gimana kalau bangun tidur nanti kamu tiba-tiba jadi salah satu Gong dari 188groups?

Danish K. Gabriel · 3mo

Kucing putih bloon atau kucing oren yg hyperaktif dan kenapa?

anon · 3mo

kak louie aku minat berteman :3

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