
Himejoshi & Fujoshi.
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Anonymous Coward · 2mo

What are your favorite Wamiya headcanons?

sorry for late replies. but my fav WAmiya headcanon is when W acting like cocky shit toward Amiya but will have murderous intent when there's someone wanting to harming Amiya. idk I love it so much at the idea W being feral toward Amiya despite she treat Amiya like a child

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Yuri ABO artist anon again! You seem interested in Blue Archive lately, so can I tell you about a whole new world where artists turn the girls into boys and then ship them together? I call this little niche community "BL Archive". ;)

Anonymous Coward · 1y

i am curious what's your stance on trans headcanon?

sorry for late replies, I'm very neutral about it. just hc whatever you want as long you do it for fun & don't being dick to people who didnt adhere to your hc. this apply to any type of hc.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Yuri ABO artist anon here! I've been considering to join Dreamwidth too at some point but the only thing that's holding me back is having the confidence in learning how to use it. If you don't mind, can give me a quick rundown on what it is and how to use it please? It'll be great help! I might even consider coming out from being anon and share you my usernames and art soon as well!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

I searched up yuri ABO on Twitter out of curiosity to see whether or not I'm the only one in the world who's into that but I found you again! DON'T WORRY!!! I HAVE THE ART SKILLS TO MAKE THAT A REALITY!! JUST YOU WAIT!!!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

If Andoain meet Theresis, what do you think will happen?

that's interesting but probably im thinking andoain will sympathize w/ theresis, though theresis def isnt too hot with andoain because of his Sankta status.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

since you like vtuber what do you think of hololive girl of no male policy?

Anonymous Coward · 1y

you actually make me give W/Amiya a try and how come i sleep on this ship? there's some delicious dynamic, people truly missed out. though reason why i try any diff W ship also i am annoyed with w1nes shipper lol especially the en w1nes fandom, so many filled puritan lesbian despite i love the ship but it sour me a little

aw glad you give it a try! WAmiya has so many delicious dynamic thats interesting to explore people truly missed out. i really detached myself with AK EN fandom and its healthier that way, i'm not surprised if thats the case but wouldnt stopped me loving inesW (sorry anon im so stuck up with ship name role thing lol)

Anonymous Coward · 1y

also same anon what do you think for il siracusano event?

only read summary but it seems good as LappTex shipper myself. i am so glad texas finally has actual characterization

Anonymous Coward · 1y

i just read your thought on AK EN fandom habit woobified chartacter and im so fucking agree with you omg. esp as lappland fan it still frustate me people think lappy as some stupid bimbo insane clown, i tend to get picky when reading fanfic lmao.

SAME ANON, i also get frustated with fandom interpretation of lappland. lappland might be obsessed with texas but she's actually quite clever, cunning and level-headed woman.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Wha do you think about Logos look in chapter 11?

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Hey, I just wanna say thank you so much for opening my eyes regarding about fiction. After I have got out of the anti space, many good things have happened to me since. My artwork has improved significantly because I have found friends who will love me no matter how weird my art is, and I felt all the more encouraged to go far and beyond and make videos about my favorite ships. There's so much more to tell but I hit the limit. I may not have the guts to tell you who I am, but tysm for helping me! <3

wow im glad you did anon! it's shame idk who you are but i love to be your friends! but i hope you have fun with your ship! thats all that matter. reminder there's always people who share similar taste with you!

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Have you noticed that Blood Prince always dissed out by the royal court, it's really funny you know.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

What do you think about Theresis after reading chapter 11?

i read a bit, i get what he's coming from. not thinking he's bad guy or whatever but i must admit i like his complex relation with Theresa when it comes about their idealism, also i cant blame him how he feels about kaltsit tho. i love kal but man she deserve that

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Hello! I’m anonymous that came to ask about your opinion about Theresis hc 6 months ago! so chapter10 is out, do you like how Theresis and Theresa relationship turn out to be in chapter10? I’m really into their story and it makes me love them so much! Btw do you have another favorite member in kazdel royal court besides theresa&sis? any opinion on Manfred?

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