Pandy · 9 answers · 3y

Is it right to sensor any unsubstantiated claims that the COVID-19 vaccine is dangerous or otherwise harmful?

These claims aren't unsubstantiated. The development of a vaccine should take years. There should be an aweful lot of testing to prove that it is safe. Talking about the gold standart of medicine the placebo controlled double blind study, which never takes place when it comes to vaccines. It was rushed and even some experts that are very much pro vaccine said they would not take this very vaccine because it is quite ridiculouse how fast, almost lightspeed, it was developed. The flu vaccine exists for around 70 years and on a good year it has 40% effectiveness, when we have a bad year it can be only 10%. This covid vaccine, which will be available soon it seems, has 90%. That is not possible to claim with certainty, just not possible. And when you search the internet you will find information from the very source how they did it: . This is not good enough. This vaccine cannot be called safe or effective. "90% effectiveness based upon 94 of the 43,538 participants." "Trial ENDS with 164 confirmed cases." And they want to produce 1,3 Billion doses in 2021. Also, what incredience will be used to develope this vaccine, what kind of adjuvants and what do we know about their synergistically effects combined with other vaccines given around the same time such as mmr or flu? I haven't found anything. So many open questions. But that is so typically human and one reason why I hate humans, we are fucking idiots, with the IQ of sheep shit. We hear "vaccine" and we know we will be saved. You don't even have to know how to read, you see cc and you know everything is going to be okay.

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